

pyonear provides Python bindings for NEAR Rust primitives. It provides wrapper types and functions for building, signing and (de)serializing transactions. The wrapped types come from the near-primitives, near-crypto and near-vm-errors crates.


pip install pyonear


Requires Python >= 3.7.

Example Usage

>>> from pyonear.crypto import InMemorySigner, KeyType
>>> from pyonear.account_id import AccountId
>>> from pyonear.crypto_hash import CryptoHash
>>> from pyonear.transaction import Transaction, TransferAction
>>> signer = InMemorySigner.from_random(AccountId("alice.near"), KeyType.ED25519)
>>> signer_id = AccountId("alice.near")
>>> signer = InMemorySigner.from_random(signer_id, KeyType.ED25519)
>>> public_key = signer.public_key
>>> nonce = 0
>>> receiver_id = AccountId("bob.near")
>>> block_hash = CryptoHash.default() # replace with a real blockhash
>>> actions = [TransferAction(1_000_000)]
>>> transaction = Transaction(signer_id, public_key, nonce, receiver_id, block_hash, actions).sign(signer)
>>> transaction.to_base64()