RPC helpers

While solders doesn’t talk to RPCs directly, it does help to build RPC request JSONs and parse RPC responses. It even supports batch requests (calling multiple RPC methods in one go).

Building an RPC request

Here we build a getFeeForMessage request and convert it to a JSON string using the .to_json() method:

>>> from solders.rpc.requests import GetFeeForMessage
>>> from solders.commitment_config import CommitmentLevel
>>> from solders.message import MessageV0
>>> GetFeeForMessage(MessageV0.default(), commitment=CommitmentLevel.Processed).to_json()

Building a batch RPC request

We can combine a list of RPC request objects into a single JSON request using the batch_to_json function:

>>> from solders.rpc.requests import batch_to_json, GetClusterNodes, GetEpochSchedule
>>> batch_to_json([GetClusterNodes(0), GetEpochSchedule(1)])

Parsing an RPC response

The rpc.repsonses module parses JSON RPC responses into strongly-typed objects:

from solders.rpc.responses import GetIdentityResp, RpcIdentity
raw = """{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": { "identity": "2r1F4iWqVcb8M1DbAjQuFpebkQHY9hcVU4WuW2DJBppN" },
"id": 1
parsed = GetIdentityResp.from_json(raw)
assert isinstance(parsed, GetIdentityResp)
assert str(parsed.value.identity) == "2r1F4iWqVcb8M1DbAjQuFpebkQHY9hcVU4WuW2DJBppN"

Parsing an RPC batch repsonse

The batch_from_json function parses an RPC batch response into a list of objects:

>>> from solders.rpc.responses import batch_from_json, GetBlockHeightResp, GetFirstAvailableBlockResp
>>> raw = '[{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 1233, "id": 1 },{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 111, "id": 1 }]'
>>> batch_from_json(raw, [GetBlockHeightResp, GetFirstAvailableBlockResp])
), GetFirstAvailableBlockResp(