# Class: BanksClient

A client for the ledger state, from the perspective of an arbitrary validator.

The client is used to send transactions and query account data, among other things. Use start() to initialize a BanksClient.

# Table of contents

# Constructors

# Properties

# Methods

# Constructors

# constructor

new BanksClient(inner)

# Parameters

Name Type
inner BanksClient

# Defined in

index.ts:197 (opens new window)

# Properties

# inner

Private inner: BanksClient

# Defined in

index.ts:200 (opens new window)

# Methods

# getAccount

getAccount(address, commitment?): Promise<AccountInfoBytes>

Return the account at the given address at the slot corresponding to the given commitment level. If the account is not found, None is returned.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
address PublicKey The account address to look up.
commitment? Commitment The commitment to use.

# Returns


The account object, if the account exists.

# Defined in

index.ts:209 (opens new window)

# getBalance

getBalance(address, commitment?): Promise<bigint>

Return the balance in lamports of an account at the given address at the slot.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
address PublicKey The account to look up.
commitment? Commitment The commitment to use.

# Returns


The account balance in lamports.

# Defined in

index.ts:371 (opens new window)

# getBlockHeight

getBlockHeight(commitment?): Promise<bigint>

Get the current block height.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
commitment? Commitment The commitment to use.

# Returns


The current block height.

# Defined in

index.ts:345 (opens new window)

# getClock

getClock(): Promise<Clock>

Get the cluster clock.

# Returns


the clock object.

# Defined in

index.ts:361 (opens new window)

# getFeeForMessage

getFeeForMessage(msg, commitment?): Promise<bigint>

Get the fee in lamports for a given message.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
msg Message The message to check.
commitment? Commitment The commitment to use.

# Returns


The fee for the given message.

# Defined in

index.ts:402 (opens new window)

# getLatestBlockhash

getLatestBlockhash(commitment?): Promise<[string, bigint]>

Returns latest blockhash and last valid block height for given commitment level.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
commitment? Commitment The commitment to use.

# Returns

Promise<[string, bigint]>

The blockhash and last valid block height.

# Defined in

index.ts:386 (opens new window)

# getRent

getRent(): Promise<Rent>

Get the cluster rent.

# Returns


The rent object.

# Defined in

index.ts:353 (opens new window)

# getSlot

getSlot(commitment?): Promise<bigint>

Get the slot that has reached the given commitment level (or the default commitment).

# Parameters

Name Type Description
commitment? Commitment The commitment to use.

# Returns


The current slot.

# Defined in

index.ts:336 (opens new window)

# getTransactionStatus

getTransactionStatus(signature): Promise<TransactionStatus>

Return the status of a transaction with a signature matching the transaction's first signature.

Return None if the transaction is not found, which may be because the blockhash was expired or the fee-paying account had insufficient funds to pay the transaction fee. Note that servers rarely store the full transaction history. This method may return None if the transaction status has been discarded.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
signature string The transaction signature (the first signature of the transaction).

# Returns


The transaction status, if found.

# Defined in

index.ts:312 (opens new window)

# getTransactionStatuses

getTransactionStatuses(signatures): Promise<TransactionStatus[]>

Same as getTransactionStatus, but for multiple transactions.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
signatures string[] The transaction signatures.

# Returns


The transaction statuses, if found.

# Defined in

index.ts:324 (opens new window)

# processTransaction

processTransaction(tx): Promise<BanksTransactionMeta>

Process a transaction and return the result with metadata.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
tx Transaction | VersionedTransaction The transaction to send.

# Returns


The transaction result and metadata.

# Defined in

index.ts:239 (opens new window)

# sendTransaction

sendTransaction(tx): Promise<void>

Send a transaction and return immediately.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
tx Transaction | VersionedTransaction The transaction to send.

# Returns


# Defined in

index.ts:224 (opens new window)

# simulateTransaction

simulateTransaction(tx, commitment?): Promise<BanksTransactionResultWithMeta>

Simulate a transaction at the given commitment level.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
tx Transaction | VersionedTransaction The transaction to simulate.
commitment? Commitment The commitment to use.

# Returns


The transaction simulation result.

# Defined in

index.ts:281 (opens new window)

# tryProcessTransaction

tryProcessTransaction(tx): Promise<BanksTransactionResultWithMeta>

Try to process a transaction and return the result with metadata.

If the transaction errors, a JS error is not raised. Instead the returned object's result field will contain an error message.

This makes it easier to process transactions that you expect to fail and make assertions about things like log messages.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
tx Transaction | VersionedTransaction The transaction to send.

# Returns


The transaction result and metadata.

# Defined in

index.ts:263 (opens new window)