Address Lookup Table Account
- class LookupTableStatusFieldless
- Activated = LookupTableStatusFieldless.Activated
- Deactivated = LookupTableStatusFieldless.Deactivated
- class LookupTableStatusDeactivating
- static from_bytes(data)
Deserialize from bytes.
- Parameters:
data (bytes) – the serialized object.
Returns: the deserialized object.
- static from_json(raw)
Build from a JSON string.
- remaining_slots
- to_json()
Convert to a JSON string.
- class AddressLookupTableAccount
The definition of address lookup table accounts as used by
.- addresses
- static from_bytes(data)
Deserialize from bytes.
- Parameters:
data (bytes) – the serialized object.
Returns: the deserialized object.
- static from_json(raw)
Build from a JSON string.
- key
- to_json()
Convert to a JSON string.
- class AddressLookupTable
- addresses
- static deserialize(data)
- static from_bytes(data)
Deserialize from bytes.
- Parameters:
data (bytes) – the serialized object.
Returns: the deserialized object.
- static from_json(raw)
Build from a JSON string.
- get_active_addresses_len(current_slot, slot_hashes)
- lookup(current_slot, indexes, slot_hashes)
- meta
- to_json()
Convert to a JSON string.
- class LookupTableMeta
- authority
- deactivation_slot
- static from_bytes(data)
Deserialize from bytes.
- Parameters:
data (bytes) – the serialized object.
Returns: the deserialized object.
- static from_json(raw)
Build from a JSON string.
- is_active(current_slot, slot_hashes)
- last_extended_slot
- last_extended_slot_start_index
- padding
- status(current_slot, slot_hashes)
- to_json()
Convert to a JSON string.
- ID: Final[Pubkey] = Pubkey( AddressLookupTab1e1111111111111111111111111, )
Address lookup table program ID.
The maximum number of addresses that a lookup table can hold
- LOOKUP_TABLE_META_SIZE: Final[int] = 56
The serialized size of lookup table metadata
- class SlotHashes
- static from_bytes(data)
Deserialize from bytes.
- Parameters:
data (bytes) – the serialized object.
Returns: the deserialized object.
- static from_json(raw)
Build from a JSON string.
- slot_hashes
- to_json()
Convert to a JSON string.
- derive_lookup_table_address(authority_address, recent_block_slot)