Compute Budget
- class ComputeBudget
- alt_bn128_addition_cost
- alt_bn128_g1_compress
- alt_bn128_g1_decompress
- alt_bn128_g2_compress
- alt_bn128_g2_decompress
- alt_bn128_multiplication_cost
- alt_bn128_pairing_one_pair_cost_first
- alt_bn128_pairing_one_pair_cost_other
- big_modular_exponentiation_base_cost
- big_modular_exponentiation_cost_divisor
- compute_unit_limit
- cpi_bytes_per_unit
- create_program_address_units
- curve25519_edwards_add_cost
- curve25519_edwards_msm_base_cost
- curve25519_edwards_msm_incremental_cost
- curve25519_edwards_multiply_cost
- curve25519_edwards_subtract_cost
- curve25519_edwards_validate_point_cost
- curve25519_ristretto_add_cost
- curve25519_ristretto_msm_base_cost
- curve25519_ristretto_msm_incremental_cost
- curve25519_ristretto_multiply_cost
- curve25519_ristretto_subtract_cost
- curve25519_ristretto_validate_point_cost
- get_remaining_compute_units_cost
- heap_cost
- heap_size
- invoke_units
- log_64_units
- log_pubkey_units
- max_call_depth
- max_cpi_instruction_size
- max_instruction_stack_depth
- max_instruction_trace_length
- mem_op_base_cost
- poseidon_cost_coefficient_a
- poseidon_cost_coefficient_c
- secp256k1_recover_cost
- sha256_base_cost
- sha256_byte_cost
- sha256_max_slices
- stack_frame_size
- syscall_base_cost
- sysvar_base_cost
- request_heap_frame(bytes_)
Request a specific transaction-wide program heap region size in bytes. The value requested must be a multiple of 1024. This new heap region size applies to each program executed in the transaction, including all calls to CPIs.
- set_compute_unit_limit(units)
Set a specific compute unit limit that the transaction is allowed to consume.
- set_compute_unit_price(micro_lamports)
Set a compute unit price in “micro-lamports” to pay a higher transaction fee for higher transaction prioritization.